Soakwell Calculator for Perth, WA.

How many polypropylene soakwells do you need in the Perth Metropolitan area?

Scroll down to estimate your required volume in 3 easy steps.

The result of the calculation will display how many polypropylene soakwells you need at 100% and 75% of the calculation, the total size of the soakwell, the total volume provided and the amount of spoil left over from the excavation.

Why is the Total Volume Calculated?

The calculation is based on the size of the impervious area (roof / ground), the predicted rainfall of a locality and a duration. With the calculator you can estimate the amount of stormwater runoff that will need to be accomodated by the soakwell.


Soakwell Calculator Result

Based on  m2
100%  m3  /   Litres
Quantity  x  litre soakwells.
Volume Provided  Litres  /  m3
Dimensions m long x mm wide.
Excess sand  m3
75%  m3  /   Litres
Quantity  x  litre soakwells.
Volume Provided  Litres  /  m3
Dimensions m long x mm wide.
Excess sand  m3